Why can’t I use of Spring Boot Exception Handler?
as you know, Spring Boot Exception Handler can be used when Exception handling necessary and it is more flexibile and readble instead of basic try-catch block.
But there is a general moments where you must not use Spring Boot of Exception Handler. I show you a good also briliant excample that, why can’t you use of this Spring Boot Exception handler.
A few days ago I was working on a project and I had to perform an operation in this project like this:
a)when exception occur, I catch it and save this exception message to the database and so on.
I tried to making such a this operation using Spring Boot Exception Handling but I didn’t. So I confused a few minutes and I found a some logic,which I thought if exception occur than I catch it and save this exception to the database in the catch block. Pay attention to what I say “in the catch blokc”.
Have you ever write some logic process in the catch block like as I said? if no than you can use this logic your own project. Enjoy I hope you understand what I say. Good coding day.